We are realtor and real-estate agent in Tokyo for foreigners.


While Japanese Yen is weak, think of investing in Shibuya, Tokyo!

Shibuya, Tokyo has been a city where attract younger generations for years. When the economy is down, young people all over Japan come to Tokyo to find jobs. Shibuya is one of the most attractive cities for the younger generations in Japan and the rent has been inreasing while the rent in other local cities …


不動産投資の魅力 投資初心者の方、投資をしたいと思ってる方、是非ご覧ください。 本当にわかりやすい動画です! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4TRvALOKG7Q&t=209s

Invest in Kyoto! A popular area for tourism and attractive area for both Japanese and foreigners.

This property is located only 4 minute walk from Nishiooji station, the next stop from Kyoto station!   The property is very convenient and is rare to find vacancy and this investment is considered very safe.  Look at the location!   This property is suitable for those who want to invest safely and moderately.  The current owner …

I will help you buy land and house in Tokyo! The only Asian country where foreigners can buy LAND is Japan!

We believe that, sooner or later, we all can over come the problem of COVID-19.  However, we are not sure whether we will be able to over come the political problems which USA and China are facing. We suggest to secure your assets!   Premier Property Japan will disclose all the risks of the properties which …

Rent or buy an apartment or house in Tokyo!

We will help you to find a right apartment or house in Tokyo!   Unfortunately some owners are reluctant to rent their apartments to non-Japanese mainly because of less understanding of different cultures.  We will listen to what kind of apartment or house you are looking for.   We do have access to professional sites where only …


February 2025


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